Sunday, January 11

OMG we are in trouble now......

Dont let that cute kid fool you! So everyone warned me about child #3........they are crazy and wild........yeah yeah I said.....WELL now I guess I should have listened a little more! Sarah for SURE has more spunk than my other 2. She loves to crawl up on the coffee table and one day helped grandma do the dishes by STANDING in the dishwasher!!!!! So I realise she is going to be a little more to handle...BUT today OMG is all I can say!!! So she had been down for a nap for about 3 was a pretty long nap for her...Bob went upstairs to get a change of clothes and called down to me....Connie, can you come up here? I said yeah, is something wrong...just come he up the stairs I went awaiting some emergency I was the top of the stairs I get and there are BOb and Sarah standing in the bedroom door way....he says "did you get her out of her crib?" to which I said "NO! did you" (DUHHH of course he didnt he just asked me that!!) SO I ask Andrew if he got her out he said no.....we go look at her crib and sure enough you could see RIGHT where her little foot pushed up on her crib bumper and she must have gotten her foot through pushe on the arm of my recliner and gotten out onto the recliner then down! Bob found her inthe bathroom playing! Who knows how long she was awake. I still cant get over it! She is just barley a year!!! Neither of the other 2 EVERY tried to crawl out of thier cribs even at 2 years old!!!! SO tonight the chair is getting moved and if I must the bumper will come out! OY what are we gonna do with that girl!!!! Gotta go she just bashed her face on the coffee table....OY

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