Friday, December 12

Emilys new glasses

hahahaha so Daddy helped Em get these on the other day :)

UP we go

So Sarah LOVES to go up the stairs....we have to be very diligent with keeping the gate up and closed. As soon as she sees a chance she will bolt for the stairs so she can go up them. So one night after going up them about 4 times I got out the camera and videoed it. You can tell she is tired but its still cute :)

One Sleepy kid

ahhh to be able to fall asleep anywhere :)

Sarah Steps

Sarah has been cruising around the furniture for awhile. But today she actually let go of the table then stepped toward the couch :) It isnt "walking" by any means but she will be there soon!

She sure was proud of herself :)

Tuesday, December 9

Friday, October 17

Oh the things kids can say....

Ok so I plan on just starting this as a place to add all the funnys that Emily says. She is def. our funny one with all the silly kid comments. So Today she made another funny and Heather asked if I was writing them here we go...check back to this thread often to see the new ones :)

Our funny today (so far...its only 11 there may be more...) 10/16/2008 - So Emily is potty training!!! YEAHHHH and doing really well. I have been just having her run around in nothing and then she seems to be less likely to have an accident. So this morning she got up we came down stairs and I took off her diaper and she went over to her potty where she sat....and sat.....and sat...finally after about 15/20 min of her sitting there playing I asked her "Emily did you go potty" to which she replied "no, my pees are sleeping and I dont want to wake up my pees"

On another potty training day it had been awhile since Em had gone so I asked her if she needed to go she said no, asked her a few min later and she said off we went to the potty, where she pointed at her little potty and said "TaDa" she had already gone in and went potty al by herself!!!

Saturday, October 11

Sarah can say Daddy

So Sarah is definitely talking. Whenever Bob walks into the room she points
right at him and says Dada. She has also said "Hi" on a few occasions over
the past few days! OH she's getting so BIG :)

So much to say!!

Well I am going to ad more pictures and video but before I forgot the dates I wanted to get it on here!

Sarah pulled herself up and stood holding onto a toy..... 10/10/2008

Sarah said her first word "sissy" yes she really did! I know its crazy! 10/05/2008

Sarah can crawl up on all fours...and just last night discovered the dog water! 9/29/2008

Steph had her first tball game friday night and played pitcher. She also hit the ball and made it home (ofcourse this is not hard to do in tball as there are no outs! :) BUT none the less I am still a proud mom!!!

Pics and video of all coming soon!!!

Monday, October 6

Stephs 1st Spelling Test

Ok so I know I am LAAAATE in posting this....but here is Stephs first spelling test......She would look at this now and be glad to have those words! Amazing how fast they progress.

Sunday, September 21

Emily must taste sweet

Well for those of you who dont know Emily has a horrible reaction to even the smallest bug bite. She gets big welts that are huge and red and get hard...its no good! So far this season she has had a few bites here and there but one day while playing outside she was eaten alive!!! We were at my mom/sisters and all the kids were playing out back, then the girls decided to eat dinner on the porch. After about 30 min into dinner Alex comes in and tells me that Emilys legs hurt.........I think to myself thats a wierd thing for her to say??? So I go out to check it out and immediatly see the bites.....the many many bites.....I got her inside we threw her into a nice cool bath got her washed off, rubbed on meat tendorizer, then some benadryl cream. I kept her on liquid benadryl fro a few days and cream here and there as needed. She finally sat still at one point long enough for me to count her "itchies" there were apx. 22 on one leg and 20 on another.....all in all I figure she probably had over 45 bites :( all from the knee down.........poor baby!! Since then we have been using bug spray on her and so far so good :)
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Moving up....

YES after 10 months we finally put up the crib. This is the first sleep for Sarah in her crib. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my crib set! Its super girly :) (thanks Diane!) So Sarah still wakes up multiple times a night to nurse...which is why we havent moved her into a crib sooner. It is so nice to have her right there in the co-sleeper when she wakes up. I get a lot more sleep that way too! But the day has come and she is just getting to be too mobile that she soon will be crawling right out the top of the cosleeper and onto the ground with a thud! So I was FORCED against my will to put her in the baby jail/crib :) MAYBE now that she is in her own bed seperate from ours she will sleep better and not wake up every 3 hours!!!!!! Only time will tell I will let you know in a few days how its going!

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Photographer Stephanie

One night while I was putting Em to sleep Steph was keeping Sarah busy and happy. Today I was looking through my camera and came across some pics that Steph had taken of Sarah that night while I was "busy". She did a great job! She loves taking pictures and is pretty good at it if I do say so myself!
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See I told you she could get into everything now :) hehehehe now she will see how annoying it is to get stuck and have to stay there so Mom can go and grab the camera!!!
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She can scoot.....

Well it took long enough.....but Sarah can finally get around. She isnt crawling but she can scoot on her tummy, roll and now go from sitting to laying to sitting. She is now super happy! She can get into EVERYTHING now. Even the dog crate, eat all the specks of dirt off the floor, now she can get to any pair of shoes in the room and eat them....oh the fun list goes on! WHY CANT THEY STAY 6 months :) That would be great!!! But that is not how it goes. So up she grows and each day I am happy with her growth and progress and sad at the same time that my little baby is growing so fast :)

BTW these viedos are from the 11th, the first time she really got the "scoot". Now a week later she has mastered it and is up on all 4s, I am sure she will be into a full crawl soon!!!!

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Saturday, September 6

A Brownie in the house...and not the kind you eat....

Its official :) Stephanie is now a brownie! We went to her first "girl scout meeting" today and she really loved it. I think it will be so great for her to have another group of girls to hang out with. The troop leader is really awesome and has been a leader for 15 years! She really seemed like she was into the girls really haveing a good time and learning about how to be friends and get along and be respectful. I am pretty excited. I think Stephanie will really benifit from this! She also starts Tball soon!! So be ready for lots of pics and videos :)

Wednesday, August 27

Baby Snails

Baby Snails

These are the baby snails that hatched about 5 days ago! They are really cute and SUPER Tiny! I think over all we ended up with about 40 babys that made it. I still have about 25 of them. Heather took some and so did her step-daughter, I also gave away 2 batches to people on craigslist. I hope the others find home soons. They are all living in the baby food jars right now. Because they are so small I have about 5 per jar. Thats the update for now! I will try and get some pics on here of the snail race we had with the adult snails :)

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Monday, August 25

GROSS..........I cant belive she did that!!!

Ok so all of you know we have a cat, Thunder who loves to catch things. Also it helps to know that my kids have a lot of plastic toys that are like little you see where I am going with this......So today Mom was over and helping out, she was upstairs getting some stuff, meanwhile I check my email to see who all wants to come get some snails (that will be a different blog!) And Emily walks up to me and says "look a real one" I look down and in her hand she is holding a it took me a minute, my first thought was that is plastic, but then second thought was no we dont have plastic lizards, third thought OMG THATS A REAL LIZARD!!!! At which point I grabbed her hand and yelled "DROP IT" to which she replied "NO" typical 2 year old! So I grabbed her ran her into the bathroom over the sink, at this point she has a death grip on the thing and I have no idea if its alive and its head it moving to try and escape or if its dead and we are just flopping it around!!! So we have a struggle in the bathroom with me grabbing her wrist yelling at her "DROP IT< class="blsp-spelling-corrected" id="SPELLING_ERROR_4">console her in between being totally grossed out!! BLAH it still makes my skin crawl to think about it!!! YUCK YUCK YUCK!!!!! All I can say is thank goodness she is past the "put everything in the mouth stage"!!!

Yeah and no picture of that one either!! For once my first thought was not "oh, grab the camera"

Friday, August 1

Babys first tooth

Sarah finally got her first was on 8/1/2008......she isnt cooperating for a picture! :)